Do you have an anchor? And if you do, do you understand your anchor enough to trust?
According to Wikipedia, an anchor is a device, normally made of metal, used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting due to wind or current.
In essence, an anchor is built for the purpose and with the capacity to hold its attachment in a designated position for a period which could be temporary or permanent.
Regardless of what day of the week it is, for many of us, it is the continuation of an endless circle of racing around and tackling the same or lookalike challenges while calling it life. These days, we colour it cool and call it the hustle or the grind.
Don’t get me wrong, work is good and working hard is great too, because as a matter of spiritual, and secular fact, there is dignity in labour. But the work we do shouldn’t be whatever comes; it should be the result of a deliberate, informed, and strategic choice. Otherwise, what one has without this deliberateness is void of dignity and largely confusing. And this is a principle that applies beyond physical work and reaches the borders of our choices in marriage, friendships, choice of profession, books we read, places we go…. the list is endless really.
It is convenient to get up daily and “live”. But activity does not equal productivity many times. For all the work you do, you deserve to have a life that is steady and rewarding. You also owe it to yourself to be deliberate about your actions. Hence the question, what is your anchor? Why do you do the things you do? How did you come about the path you walk? Before you chose your present journey (maybe it’s a journey you’re about to decide on), what do you see? What holds you in place? Or are you even ever held in place by anything?
It is not okay for you to be tossed in every direction for every reason at every time. I cannot assure you that all your plans and dreams will turn out perfect but if you base your choices on a solidly built foundation, you will have many victories in life even when the body of water is pulling in all kinds of directions and sometimes when storms rage. We cannot afford to live life as it comes; not anymore. We must probe each decision we make and each direction we go to ascertain what our anchor is.
For some, their anchor is a person whom they hold in high esteem. A parent perhaps who has been there for them, so they make their choices based on this person’s every desire. For some, it’s a situation they hope to avoid or create, and they tirelessly pursue that. But the question is how sustainable are these, especially in the face of the storm?
In my over two decades of walking with God and interfacing with His Word, I have found His Word to be the most solid anchor anyone can ever have. Among other things, it is living, powerful and unchanging in the face of storms.
I invite you to trace your anchor to that source that doesn’t run dry and watch your life dance in the direction of greatness and contentment.