Believers largely do not know the depth of such testimony as reacting to an obviously chaotic situation with, and in resolute PEACE. You don’t know exactly how much it cost your mind to get to that point where your first reaction to a challenge is not fear, nor shouting, nor crying, nor worry; you really do not know.
Internal testimonies are often underrated; barely will you see a congregation shout and applaud testimonies like “I just want to thank God for the sanity of my mind,” in contrast to “thank God for the billion dollar contract I just signed.” The basis of our rejoicing in the faith is largely still too shallow.
External blessings can happen to anyone; saved or unsaved. But you see our internal blessings; peace, joy, love, etc.… It even takes real work for us the owners to walk in it, less talk of those outside the faith; it’s a no-go for them. This, indeed, should be the basis of our rejoicing:
That in the face of a hurt, we’ve LEARNT to respond in love. That in the midst of the storm, we’ve LEARNT to walk in resolute PEACE. That in the face of lack, we’ve LEARNT to abound. By the time you start putting in the work, you’ll marvel at what great level of joy your soul has been deprived of, leaning on just mundane breakthroughs as make-ups all along.
Check the apostles, Paul especially, and find out the basis of rejoicing for the man in Christ. It may shock you to find out that you truly have not tasted the joy of the lord since you got saved. If that’s true for you, don’t feel bad. Just roll up your sleeves and get resolute to put in the work. You truly can MASTER JOY as a default state of being. Just don’t shy away from the WORK; I mean, in the WORD and consistent fellowship. Grace. Great Grace.